Check Surgical Template
Please Surgical Template over edentulous areas and check for secure and positive fit. Alter or reline if necessary,
because the final placement of implants and provisional will depend on the accuracy of the fit of the Surgical Template |
Drill Pilot Hole
- Place a Guided Drill Guide in one sleeve, on each side of the surgery guide, if placing bilateral implants.
- Use Twist Drill and drill line through the soft tissue and into the alveolar bone.
Anchoring Surgical Template
- Place a Guided Fixation Pin into bone in each of the pilot holes to hold the surgical template secue while the other pilot holes are drilled.
- Drill for each remaining sleeves.
Tissue Punch
- Remove the Surgical Template, place the correct sized Tissue Punch Guide in the pilot holes and cut the gingival incisions using the corresponding Tissue Punch.
Tissue Plug
- Use a blade to cut around the puch cuts to assure you have reached the alveolar bone and remove the tissue plugs.
Anchoring Surgical Template
- Replace Surgical Template and secure with Guided Drill Guide and Fixation Pin on both sides if applicable.
Drill Hole
- Place the Guided Drill Guide into each sleeve and drill the osteotomy to proper depth with your Twist Step Drill.
Drill Tapered
- Drill all osteotomies, except for the sleeves holding the Surgical Template in place, using Drill Tapered.
Optional-Dense Bone Drills
- Dense Bone Drills Tappered is only need.
- Drill one pass though the Surgical Template into the prepared site.
Optional-Screw Taps
- Remove the Surgical Template.
- Place Screw Tap Tapered into prepared implant site.
- Back screw tap out.
Implant Placement
- Connect the Implant Driver.
- Place implants in all positions through the sleeves.
- Remove the Guided Fixation Pin and drill and place the remaining implants.
Removeal of Surgical Template
- Once all implants are in position, remove the surgery guide and suture any facial flaps that were reflected.
Implant PlacementProsthetic Procedure-Temporization
- Try in the provisional and grossly check the occlusion.
- Reline the inside of the provisionals and insert over the implants. Make sure the patient closes in centric relation occlusion while the reline material sets.
- Remove the provisional and trim the excess reline.
- Replace the provisional and recheck occlusion.
Prepless prosthetics is passible on NobelDirect Groovy. A margin can be created on the dry without preparation of the gingival margin.
The final restoration can be made with knift-edge margins by use