For Nobel Biocare implants and other major implant systems
Exceptional strength
Milled from a solid monobloc
Indications :
Multi-unit implant restorations
Implant or abutment level
1A. Implant level impression
Place Impression Coping onto the implants and make an implant level impression.
Connect the temporary restoration or healing abutment and send the impression to the laboratory.
1B. Abutment level impression
Place the Impression Multi-unit on the Multi-unit Abutments.
Connect the temporary restoration or healing cap and send the impression to the laboratory.
2. Laboratory procedures
A model is made and a rasin framework is produced and sent to a NobelProcera production facility or scanned by using the NobelProcera Scanner.
The framework is milled from a solid piece of titanium and returned to the laboratory.
The restoration is completed using conventional methods.
3A. Connection of final restoration at implant level
Ensure that the implants are free from any solf tissue or bone remnants.
Connect the restoration to the implants with abutment screws. Starting with the implant nearest to the middle of the bridge, tighten the
remaining screws, alternating left and right sides.
Tighten the abutment screws to 35Ncm using the Manual Torque Wrench Prosthetic and Screwdriver Machine Unigrip.
Fill the screw access holes with a suitable material, such as gutta-percha, silicone, or temporary filling material.
3B. Connection of final restoration at abutment level
Connect the restoration to the abutment with prosthetic screws. Starting with the implant nearest to the middle of the bridge, tighten the remailing screws, alternating left and right sides
Tighten the prosthetic screws to 15Ncm using the Manual Torque Wrench Prosthetic and Screwdriver Machine Unigrip.
Fill the screw access holes with a suitable material, such as gutta-percha, silicone, or temporary filling material.