NobelRondo™ – Esthetic efficiency and an
EXTREMELY storng porcelain. The ultimate beauty . . . for every Procera indication.
People once had to accept the appearance and function of their teeth. With the advanced technologies available now, they demand more from life.
At Bangkok Dental Hospital, we believe that everyone should have beautiful and fully functioning teeth. What's more, we are currently the only provider patients exactly what you are demanding.
As we are esthetics and restorative dentistry, we focus on providing your beautiful teeth. In support of esthetics, we have Procera and NobelRondo solutions.
Procera provides the individualized substructure, and NobelRondo provides the ceramics for creating beautiful and extremely strong esthetics.
- An extremely strong Alumina ceramic
- Highest esthetic result from unique layering techique
- New ergonomics result from unique tray and bottle design
Creative Circle is a dynamic color harmony system.
All tooth colors are divided into six harmonic color segments, logically grouped in a round tray of six overlapping circles.
With a total of only 80 bottles and 12 paint colors, standard colors can be made very easily with simple dentine/enamel layerings using the Basic Circle,
or a totally customized restoration can be made using options from the Master kit. The soft “Mother-of-Pearl” modifiers and the natural
opalescent contrasts and color harmonies are created with the new “Colored Translucencies”, even on the finest of layers with no mixing.
NobelRondo™ – Creative Circle represents the latest developments in dental ceramics, with outstanding fluorescence, opalescence and color stability.
Experience creative freedom in a new and fascinating world of ceramics.
The outstanding characteristics of NobelRondo™ ceramics represent the culmination of ten years of experience with full ceramic Procera® restorations based on alumina and zirconia.
The most modern materials from research and development in dental ceramics, together with exceptional optical and physical properties, make NobelRondo™ the material of choice for
the highest quality esthetic restorations. Technology, ergonomics and creativity come together to achieve natural perfection.
The goal of NobelRondo™ is to combine biology and technique into a technological implementation that emulates nature.
The structure of natural teeth is unique, so use of this structure as the paradigm is to strive for optimization is optimal. The dental enamel – prisms of hydroxylapatite crystals – displays
resistance as well as adaptability. Fascinating optical phenomena, such as opalescence and fluorescence and translucence and color emitting from within, are ideal when developing ceramic materials.
Although our restorative effort is influenced by colors, color is a sensory impression and thus remains subjective. For a color to be perceived, the presence of visible radiation, i.e., light, is absolutely necessary. The color of a tooth depends on the interplay amongst between light, reflection and absorption. The prismatic structure of the dental enamel and the dentine structure lead to specific dispersions of the light, which can now be imitated through modern dental ceramics.
Ceramic Technology
The very fine, homogeneous microstructure of NobelRondo™ ceramics produces outstanding color stability during layering, and a
homogeneous structure to the fired ceramic. The consequence: high stability after multiple firings and corrections, outstanding antagonist-friendly surface quality, and excellent polishability.
Stability and Confidence
The high flexural strength of NobelRondo™ ceramics is outstanding! The technological background for this is the exceptionally complex ceramic production process.
With this value, NobelRondo™ ceramics offer even greater success in patient therapy, and increased confidence for the dental laboratory.
Ceramic materials have proven their value in dentistry for decades. Thanks to limited solubility, good biological compatibility guarantees indefinite
durability for NobelRondo™ ceramics in the oral environment. Patient safety is a key ethical requirement for all Nobel Biocare products.
The fascination of nature teeth
Homogeneous surface proprety healthy gingiva
High strength longevity and safety |