What is BriteSmile
Safe - Effective
Whiten Procedure
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Welcome to BriteSmile Bangkok
We are Officially Thailand No.1 BriteSmile Center
A place to go for a luxurious teeth whitening treatments.
Normally the thought of teeth whitening is the images of uncomfortable tooth whitening gels, lengthy waiting periods, and splotchy,unsatisfactory results
Now, thanks to the invention of the patented BriteSmile soothing blue light and gentle teeth whitening gel, cosmetic dentistry can be a relaxing, stress-free, and pleasurable experience!
You can enjoy the luxury and convenience of BriteSmile teeth whitening here.
In the span of an hour, BriteSmile can whiten your teeth up to 14 shades lighter. As your teeth magically whiten under the signature BriteSmile blue light, you can sit back, relax, and watch TV or listen to music in our fully equipped professional tooth whitening stations.
The BriteSmile tooth whitening procedure is clinically proven to be completely safe and effective. |